Wednesday, January 25, 2012


How can a web-based program become more appealing to the older population who want to advance their careers?  There are several recommendations for those who are considering distance education. 
1. Take a computer class at a local community college or library
2. Take the time to fully understand what the requirements are from the University you are interested in
3. Talk to others who may have already taken online classes
4. Inquire at the University if there are tutorials and tutors who can assist you via phone or email
5. Find a network of friends, acquaintances, or colleagues who may also be considering distance education
(Jones & Wolf, 2010)
With some time and effort distance education may be the answer for many older adults that wish to further their education while recognizing the advantages. 

Jones, D. & Wolf, D. (2010).  Shaping the future of nursing education today using distance education and technology.  The ABNF Journal. Spring Issue

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